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We see patients daily who are in dire need of controlling the inflammatory response in their body. Essentially inflammation is an important function of the body that has many uses but once becomes rampant can have negative effects. Use the below to keep things in check!


  1. Begin with a sauna session: Start with a 10-minute session in the sauna. This will help raise your body temperature and promote sweating, which can help reduce inflammation.
  2. Take a cold plunge: Take a quick dip in a cold plunge and aim for 5 mins. This will help reduce inflammation by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood flow to the affected area.
  3. Repeat the cycle: Repeat this cycle 2-3 times, depending on your tolerance level. You can adjust the duration of each step based on your preferences and needs.
  4. Follow and end with red light therapy: After your cold plunge/sauna, dry yourself and go into the red light room. Expose your skin to the red light for 15-20 minutes, depending on your tolerance level. Red light therapy has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, which may help reduce inflammation in the affected area.


The suggested frequency is every two days for the first two weeks, then twice per week. It can be done at any moment of the day, the short cycles can be stimulating even to start the day, before work or sports.

We encourage to additionally see Danielle Donnelly our sports therapist for fascia stretch to get even more benefits like better circulation, pain reduction, flexibility, and circulation.


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