How Can We Help

A Little Bit About Heal Hub
Heal Hub is here to provide a new wave of treatments and services, used together like never seen before. Heal Hub is on a mission to empower as many individuals as possible with a holistic philosophy regarding physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. With therapies like Osteopathy and more, we offer wholesome wellness.
The general approach to health is divided into singular segmented strata’s of specialities. In truth, the body is a multi-faceted and interconnected web of fluctuating variants, and so should be treated as such.
Our Services

• Pediatric rehabilitation (Erb’s palsy, cerebral palsy)
• Post op-rehabilitation for knee, hip and shoulder arthroplasty, laminectomy, CABG, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery etc…
• Elbow pain (Tennis elbow, golfers elbow)
• Wrist pain (Dequervain’s disease, Carpal tunnel syndrome)
• Post fracture complications (Stiffness, Pain)
• Traumatic brain injury
• Symphysis pubis dysfunction (during pregnancy)

Sports Physiotherapy
Sports therapy encompasses identification of musculoskeletal injuries and the subsequent rehabilitation of those injuries. Common Orthopaedic injuries seen by a Sports Therapist include but are not exclusive to:
• Knee ACL tears and post operative rehabilitation, meniscus tears of the knee, anterior knee pain
• Rehabilitation of shoulder dislocations , shoulder rotator-cuff tears, labral tears and instability of the shoulder
• Ankle ligament sprains such as an ATFL tear, plantar fasciitis of the foot, tennis and golfers elbow, ITB band syndrome
• Low back pain, spinal disc protrusions, and injuries attributed to sports such as shin or knee pain from running or cycling, shoulder pain from swimming, shoulder and elbow issues from weight training, acute knee pain from football or rugby.

Pregnancy and Post Natal Physiotherapy
• Pelvic Girdle pain
• Hip Pain
• Back pain/neck pain
• Sciatica and Nerve pain
• Any pelvic health conditions
• Safe exercise prescription during pregnancy and post natal period
• Diastasis Rectus Abdominus rehabilitation
• Return to sport post natally
• Return to running post natally

• Neck pain Peripheral joints pain (frozen shoulder, arthritis)
• Nerv injuries or entrapment (carpal tunnel)
• Balance and gait disorder Headaches, migraines
• Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ) such as jaw clicking and tightness
• Stress, fatigue, depression, sleep disturbance Trauma (whiplash)
• Surgery (scar tissue related conditions)
• Pregnancy follow-up (sciatica, thoracic oppression, dizziness)

Osteopathy For Kids
• Irritability & difficulty settling, excessive crying
• Tummy or Digestive issues (e.g. colic, excessive vomiting/reflux, wind)
• Feeding complications (e.g. problems with latching/attachment and sucking)
• Disturbed sleep patterns
• Head shape changes/asymmetries
• Difficulties in movement (e.g. may only easily move head to 1 side)
• Recurrent infections (e.g. sticky eye, cough wheeze, runny nose, recurrent ear infection)
• Limb or Joint movement problems (e.g. Torticollis)
• For children and teenagers: Trauma, Postural, Breathing/Asthma, Repetitive Strain, Sports Injuries
• Chronic Ear infections
• Growth related injuries (e.g. Osgood Schlatters)
• Attention deficit
• Autism
• Allergy


Sports Massage
It can be a vital tool in assisting injury rehabilitation and also to help prevent the occurrence of injuries in the first place. Sports massage is usually a tailored treatment that targets specific problem areas. It is the ultimate attention to detail, during the treatment everything down to tension in the micro fibres of a muscle, that can contribute to overall pain and discomfort, can be identified. Sports massage is beneficial to the body as a whole, it plays an instrumental role in circulation, lymphatic drainage, flexibility, range of motion. It helps promote sleep, a feeling of well being.
Sports massage is a very worthwhile tool for individuals who like to push themselves to the limit or suffer from high stress levels, both in daily life and in the sports arena. It is a valuable contributor to reducing recovery time, and getting back to optimum performance.

Cranial Sacral Therapy and Energy Healing

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Cold Water Immersion / Cryotherapy
Cardiovascular circulation is one of the most important processes of the human body. Without a healthy and strong circulation, the blood flow of the entire body gets compromised. Cold Water Immersion boosts the cardiovascular circulation, which is beneficial for a healthy heart, a strong immune system, well-balanced mental health, and a high level of energy.
Reduced inflammation of muscle
After participating in a high-intensity workout, the muscles can feel sore for a couple of days. This is because of microscopic tears in the fibers of the trained muscles, and inflammation of the muscle tissue. This type of soreness, also known as ‘delayed onset muscle soreness’ (DOMS), can be very painful. Scientifically, it has been proven that Cold Water Immersion helps to reduce muscle inflammation. The temperature of the water lowers the damage of the affected tissue, and reduces further swelling.
Weight loss
Cold Water Immersion can be of great help when it comes to weight loss. When practiced on a regular basis, Cold Water Immersion is able to increase the metabolic rate by as much as 16%. As a result of immersing the body into cold water, the body has to work hard to maintain its normal internal temperature. During this process, the metabolic rate increases in order to produce heat for the body. When practiced consistently, this can result in a loss of weight.

2.Slow down Father Time (aka: aging!). Cell regeneration means you slow the aging process. And if you’re not quite convinced, check out the 20 year study of Finnish men that links two to three sauna sessions per week with a 23% decreased risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
3.Detoxify heavy metals and chemicals. Everyday exposure to potentially toxic heavy metals through a variety of sources means even the most health conscious people still have toxins in the body. Regular sauna bathing helps excrete toxins such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury.
4.Make your heart happy and healthy. A 2018 study found that sauna bathing four to seven times per week reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by as much as 58%.
5.Reduce blood pressure. Sauna heat helps widen blood vessels and improve circulation, which reduces blood pressure.
6.Optimize athletic performance. Blood flow improvements from hyperthermic conditioning (heat conditioning) sends more blood to the heart, leading to an increase in plasma and red blood cell volume. That process delivers more oxygen throughout the body, fueling athletic performance.
7.Improve muscle function and recovery. As more blood flow and oxygen is delivered throughout the body, muscles increase in size and muscle breakdown is diminished. One study showed that two, one-hour sauna sessions for seven days straight increases production of the human growth hormone (HGH) by two to five times.
8.Fuel weight loss. Regular sauna use is shown to regulate the appetite, increase metabolism, and improve oxygen utilization, helping to fuel weight loss along with a reduction in body fat.
9.Boost brain function. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF increases with regular sauna use, activating the growth of new brain cells, better maintaining existing cells, and improving neuroplasticity, the brain’s process for forming new neural connections.
10.Ignite your immune system. Heat exposure from sauna use increases the heat shock protein, stimulating antigen-presenting cells, along with releasing cytokine, thus stimulating the body’s natural immune system.
11.BONUS BENEFIT: improve emotional health and mood. When your body and brain are healthy, detoxified, and destressed, and you’ve boosted endorphins, your overall mood and emotional health improves.

Red Light Therapy
By increasing the function of the mitochondria using RLT, a cell can make more ATP. With more energy, cells can function more efficiently, rejuvenate themselves, and repair damage.
RLT is different from laser or intense pulsed light (IPL) therapies because it doesn’t cause damage to the skin surface. Laser and pulsed light therapies work by causing controlled damage to the outer layer of the skin, which then induces tissue repair. RLT bypasses this harsh step by directly stimulating regeneration of the skin. The light emitted by RLT penetrates roughly 5 millimeters below the skin’s surface.
• promotes wound healingTrusted Source and tissue repair
• improves hair growth in people with androgenic alopecia
• help for the short-term treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome
• stimulates healing of slow-healing wounds, like diabetic foot ulcers
• reduces psoriasis lesions
• aids with short-term relief of pain and morning stiffness in people with rheumatoid arthritis
• reduces some of the side effects of cancer treatments, including oral mucositisTrusted Source
• improves skin complexion and builds collagenTrusted Source to diminish wrinkles
• helps to mend sun damageTrusted Source
• prevents recurring cold sores from herpes simplex virus infections
• improves the health of jointsTrusted Source in people with degenerative osteoarthritis of the knee
• helps diminish scars
• relieves pain and inflammationTrusted Source in people with pain in the Achilles tendons

Perfromance Testing

Roof Top Gym

Our Team

Alex Konovalov
As a teenager Dr. Alex was diagnosed with a III degree idiopathic scoliosis. The symptoms started to occur only when he was in his early-twenties, pursuing the education in Business Administration and Accounting. He was successfully treated at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, and at that moment he decided to change his life path and became a Dr. of Chiropractic in order to help people the same way Chiropractic helped him.
Dr. Alex graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 2004, after that he went back to his home town Tiraspol, Moldova, where he founded Moldova National Chiropractic association and introduced chiropractic to his home country in a local multidisciplinary rehabilitation clinic.
After that Dr. Alex was invited to join a much bigger hospital of St. Elizabeth in St. Petersburg, Russia. After a couple of years in Saint-Petersburg he relocated to Madrid, Spain, where he helped patients for the next 11 years.
While practicing and mastering Gonstead Technique by attending seminars, Dr. Alex continued his professional development with ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association) receiving Webster Certification, FNOR Certification and Carrick Institute among other seminars and courses.
In 2016 he found out about CrossFlt and after few years of training he received Level 1 Trainer Certificate (CF-L1), which gave him a unique opportunity to better understand and combine high intensity training with professional chiropractic knowledge.
While in Madrid, he was on the Board of Directors of the Spanish Chiropractic Association (AEQ), working towards the official recognition of Chiropractic in Spain. Dr. Alex maintains healthy lifestyle. Staying physically active and implementing other activities that have recently been proven to be beneficial to overall health.

Ben Tinker
Dr. Benjamin has formed working relationships with many professional sports persons including golfers, cyclists, boxers, dancers, swimmers and footballers. Helping them to reduce pain and improve posture and function.
Putting the patient first and helping the patient understand what’s happening are Dr. Benjamin’s first priorities. Then, with excellent technical skills, the process starts to reduce pain and gain function in a fast but healthy way.
Outside of chiropractic Dr. Benjamin is a family man, loves socialising and is passionate about wellness.
Dr. Benjamin is a specialist in helping the following conditions:
• Neck Pain
• Low back and hip pain
• Sciatica
• Headaches and migraines
• Cervical Radiculopathy
• Lordosis / Kyphosis
• Pregnancy

Danielle Donnelly
Before moving to Dubai, Danielle worked as a Coach & Rehabilitation Specialist at a well-known private members club in Chelsea, London – KX life. Whilst in the UK Danielle also worked along side professional athletes with sports teams including England Rugby, Queens Park Rangers football club & Harrow School.
Danielle prides herself on being able to to get you off the treatment table and back to full functional strength & fitness as quick as possible.
• Postoperative rehabilitation
• Advanced exercise program design for all injuries, fitness goals & sports specific
• Women health (Pre/Post natal, bladder pain, pelvic floor rehabilitation)
• Disc Herniations
• Rotator cuff tendinopathy
• Sciatica
• Meniscus tears
• Late-stage rehabilitation for musculoskeletal injuries & post-operative
• Fascial stretch therapy & Active release techniques therapy to aid in increasing mobility & joint health.

Guillaume Dubois
Guillaume qualified as an Osteopath in France, graduating in 2008. He moved to Dubai in 2011 gaining experience working in a busy private practice. In 2016 Guillaume founded Alternative Medicine Center and has invited highly reputed practitioners to join his team, fulfilling his dream of starting a multidisciplinary practice providing the highest level of musculoskeletal care.
Guillaume uses a variety of techniques including craniosacral therapy, visceral mobilisation, myofascial release and structural techniques in order to help his patients return to function. Guillaume combines and adapts his treatment in order to provide an individual approach to each patient. He has expertise in treating a wide variety of problems including back pain, neck pain and headaches, with special training in working with babies and children.
Over the past years Guillaume has completed further training in managing emergencies and acute pain, and in perinatal care. He has a special interest in treating various ENT conditions, helping manage gastrointestinal and gynaecological disorders such as constipation and menstrual pain.
Guillaume is fluent in French and English and is competent in Spanish.

Lauren Whalan
Lauren Whalan is an Australian trained osteopath and cranial sacral therapist. She qualified with an undergraduate degree in Applied Science Osteopathy in 2002 and then a Master of Osteopathy with distinction in 2004.
Lauren has completed further studies in paediatric Osteopathy, the care of pregnant women, woman’s health, lactation consulting, tongue-ties, visceral Osteopathy, and cranial Osteopathy. Lauren also practices Orofacial Myofunctional therapy; which aims to improve orofacial muscle imbalance, incorrect swallowing pattern, TMJ muscle dysfunction and/or the elimination of bruxing, clenching or noxious oral habits like thumb sucking, nail biting or hair pulling.
Lauren also has special interest in energy healing and works with the body’s life force energy to help patients access and resolve any emotional trauma stored within.
Whilst Lauren’s passion lies with treating babies and children, she is trained in all areas of Osteopathy and can treat anyone from the newborn to the geriatric, to the sedentary and the professional athlete.
Lauren worked in Sydney as a new graduate and relocated to Dubai with her husband Scott in 2009. She has since become a mother to 3 boys; Archie, Spencer and Dawson.

Stephen Chesterfield
Structural, Visceral, Cranial techniques & Primal Health
Steve is a New Zealand trained Osteopath who brings a wealth of knowledge to the clinical setting with over 23 years experience in the health industry. After sustaining a serious spinal injury Steve decided to complete his Masters in Osteopathy and went on to achieve honors when he graduated in 2012.
Steve treats newborn babies, toddlers and adults, presenting with a variety of acute and chronic complaints. He is qualified and experienced in structural osteopathy (physical), visceral osteopathy (digestive & organ), and cranio-sacral osteopathy (gentle and ideal for infants).
Since qualifying he has completed post graduate courses in his specialty interests of pediatrics, headaches/ migraines and orofacial complaints (TMD/ Jaw, face and head pain), with several doctors and dentists referring to him for such issues. He also especially enjoys treating patients that have been told they require invasive surgery.
When Steve is not playing with his young daughter, you will find him deep in the books as he is completing his certification to become an integrative functional medicine practitioner. Steve truly believes that osteopathy and functional medicine combined is the most effective approach to eliminate pain and reverse disease.

Dr. Nicolas Bideau
Nicolas views his treatment sessions as a way to work with the patient expectations to understand & treat conditions, not just quick fixes. Outside the clinic, Nicolas enjoys baseball and badminton. He also has a lot of interest in nutrition science and cooking.
Joint Mobilizations
Spinal Manipulations / High Velocity Low Amplitude (HVLA) thrusts
Muscle Energy Techniques
Harmonic Techniques
Neurodynamic Techniques
Dry Needling
Neuropathic pain (sciatic, cervicobrachial neuralgia etc.)
Shoulder pain – Back pain
Temporomandibular disorders
Persistent pain (more than 3 months)
Pain Neuroscience Education

Dominique Jordan, or Nik as his patients call him, is a registered physiotherapist and manual therapist. Nik graduated in his home country of Switzerland in 2001 before becoming Head of Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy for a private hospital group, teaching biomechanics at a PT College and working as a graduation examiner.
Before joining the AMC, Nik worked for more than 10 years in a private clinic in Dubai, treating professional international athletes as well as managing a busy practice.
Extremely passionate about his work, Nik is an expert on mobility and manipulation for everyday function as well as for sports enthusiasts and athletes in training. He combines this with a focus on patient education and self-management in the fervent belief that if the patient understands the nature and mechanical root of their problem, the path to recovery is clear. Armed with self-mobilisation or, as Nik says, “trouble shooting and bullet proofing techniques” patients maintain and enhance the benefits of their sessions and therefore come full circle from injury or pain to normal daily function or sports activity and prevention.
Nik’s interest in physiotherapy was sparked by his own injuries sustained by practicing sport at an intense level, and it is through his extensive training and experience that his empathy for patients and understanding of injury and pain is founded. A committed sportsman, he regularly trains in Calisthenics, Cross Fit and Gymnast Crossfit and practices what he preaches, applying his own self-treatment techniques daily.
His main areas of expertise include musculoskeletal dysfunctions, manual therapy, sports physiotherapy, treatment of chronic/acute neck and low back pain, chronic pain (whiplash, CRPS, RSI such as tendinitis and misuse injuries), dysfunctions of the peripheral nervous system and postoperative rehabilitation.

Neasa Barry
Neasa graduated in 2005 from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland with first class honours and clinical distinction. Since qualification she has worked in private hospitals and sports clinics in Ireland and the UAE, furthering her education in manual therapy, functional rehabilitation, dry needling and Pilates. After the birth of her children she specialised in women’s health/pelvic floor physiotherapy and this has since been her passion. Her continuing education and experience reflects this with Post Graduate Certification in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy from Melbourne University. She has also obtained further certifications in diastasis rehabilitation, pre and post natal exercise programming and sex and sexuality for pelvic floor practitioners.
Neasa specialises in the treatment of women (and men) with pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic pain. She also specialises in the rehabilitation of women pre and post natally with pelvic floor issues, pain or diastasis rectus abdominus. She utilises her training in clinical pilates and sports rehabilitation to optimise whole body function and prescribe safe exercise during this time. Her passion is to support women in their childbearing year and beyond.

Gaurav Rathaur
Gaurav was born in Rishikesh, India and spent his childhood living nearby the ashram of the great Yogi Baba Shri Neem Karoli Ji Maharaj. From an early age he got exposed to the world of yoga practices and embarked on finding his truth through this path.
Gaurav had no plans to pursue a yoga career, but as it is usually said, life always gives you what is best for you. After failing in his dream to serve his country as a lieutenant, he decided to continue with his postgraduate studies. He decided to apply for Geology and Yoga Science studies at the same time. He got admitted in both schools, but he decided to go with Yoga science, and this is how it all started.
Gaurav earned his master’s degree in Yogic Science from the University of Patanjali, founded by Swami Ramdev and Acharya Balkirshna and is a member of the association of Indian universities. Coming from a very humble family with both parents having no school education, he feels proud of his roots and his family’s continuous encouragement to him and his brothers to study and excel in life. Due to his life story, Gaurav is dreaming of the day that he will open his own school in India, providing financially challenged but gifted children with the right to a proper education and a bright future full of opportunities.
Upon completion of his Master, he participated in various yoga workshops with many renowned yoga schools in Rishikesh, the birthplace of Yoga. He enriched his knowledge while studying ancient yogic scriptures and practicing meditation under the guidelines of many scholars and later completed his 200hours Yoga Teachers’ Training Course in his birthplace.
In January 2021 with just one small carry-on luggage and his yoga mat, he landed in Dubai and started a successful personal and professional life journey, getting to know people with different cultural backgrounds and trying to adjust his yoga skills to the new environment.
Gaurav’s core strengths are deconstructed flows for complex yoga poses to small parts that helps students to practice and achieve it with more ease. He has his own signature style that makes students achieve flexibility, strength, and balance with much ease on and off the mat. Watching students going through fear, challenges, difficulties and overcoming it to achieve what they manifested for this is what Gaurav lives for. Many of his students have gone on to become advanced practitioners and successful teachers.
Gaurav is having vivid dreams of success and of making a change in this world by providing clear proofs of numerous life changing possibilities through positive thinking and dedication to yoga practice inside and outside the yoga studio.
His life moto is “if your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough. So, dream as big as you can”.
Practice with Gaurav
Currently based in Dubai, Gaurav is serving at Inspire Yoga and Fitness Studio. You can practice with him at the studio or from the comfort of your home with a home private facility. You can choose his signature classes to gain flexibility, strength and balance or choose the traditional old school Hatha or Vinyasa. Here is what he offers:
Ashtanga Fundamentals: A deconstructed practice for Ashtanga Primary series, where we focus to understand the primary series in a much simpler way. Here we practice complex postures with much ease. The practice is designed for practitioners who want to achieve all those transitions, postures that seem to be difficult to reach. For example, jump through and Jump backs. Here we not only practice, but we also understand the methodologies and right techniques to practice.
Ashtanga Primary Led: Traditional primary series practice with guidence for each posture. Ashtanga led primary series is focused on detoxing the body by Asana practice. This is a 75-90 minutes class that allows you to move, hold and breath in a set sequence.
Deep Stretch: a class designed for all levels of practitioners. This class is based on fundamentals of Hatha yoga. Ideal for all, but mostly for those who don’t like to flow and prefer slow-paced classes, focusing on specific areas and muscles of the body on each class.
Flexibility Flow: This class comes with a flow that allows practitioners to move in a sequence where the flow raises the body temperature and helps muscles stretch easier. In this class we focus on specific parts of the body each day, i.e. one day the flow can be on hip opening and another day on another part of the body. One of his most popular classes.
Vinyasa Flow: The classic vinyasa flow with his own unique style that combines stretching and strengthening of muscles at the same time. Flow can be strong sometimes but it is worth practicing. A class that demands full effort.
Slow and Strong: The class focuses mostly on strength with a nice slow and gentle flow. The class seems to be slow but will require the students to give their best on the mat.
Hatha Yoga: The traditional Hatha yoga practice with Pranyama and philosophy. Hatha yoga is the most traditional yoga practice. Practice is ideal for one who is looking to start yoga journey at the same time suitable for one who is practicing for ages. This practice allows you to hold the postures for long time with proper alignment.
Core, strength and stretch: This is a reflection of Gaurav’s own practice for arm balance and Handstands. He has designed this practice to help everyone making arm balance journey easy and amazing at the same time. This practice is designed in a way that here we work on core, strength and stretch of the specific muscles around the upper body.
Yin and Restorative: This is not a normal Yin practice. This is a passive stretch practice that comes with some specific breathing techniques. Here we perform some traditional yoga practices that compliments this class such as Trataka, Chanting and meditation.

Melissa Pezeshkian
Melissa is an Australian trained Osteopath. She qualified with an undergraduate degree in Applied Science Osteopathy in 2005 and then a Master of Osteopathy in 2007.
Melissa has over a decade of experience working in a busy multidisciplinary clinic in Sydney, where she treated a wide range of complaints for adults and children.
She utilises an integrated practice of structural Osteopathy (mobilisation, soft tissue release, manipulation) active release (ART) and trigger point dry needling.
She believes a clients thorough understanding of pain and injury assists in the prevention, recovery, and recurrence of injury.

Jade Lucas Reed
Jade qualified as a Physiotherapist in London in 2008. She moved to the UAE in 2012 after working for well known London clinics and combining this with physiotherapy for performing artists.
Jade has completed further studies in musculoskeletal conditions such as hip & groin, TMJ, spinal conditions and combines physiotherapy techniques alongside rehabilitation and pilates. She has also extensive further studies in Women's Health- pre and post natal, menopause, sexual dysfunction and treats from a multidisciplinary approach including breathwork, meditation (mindfulness), somatic movement and energy alignment.
Jade also has a special interest in plant medicines, breathwork, energy alignment, traditional yogic practises in order to guide people on their healing journey from stored traumas and repetitive patterns.

Kirsten Evans
Kirsten qualified with a Masters in Chiropractic in 2013, studying at the Durban University of Technology in South Africa. Her research investigated the Chiropractic care of paediatrics. Kirsten is a qualified running coach and has a level 1 certificate in running gait analysis. She does part time coaching for team Trax in Dubai. She also gained experience at the South African Sports Institute of South Africa, in medical bike fitting and cycling biomechanics. Kirsten is currently studying her Diploma in Applied Kinesiology in order to bring an even more holistic approach to her patients.
Kirsten has over 10 years of work experience, primarily working within sporting clinics. She is currently in her 5th year here in Dubai. As an avid triathlete and long distance runner herself, her expertise includes runners, cyclists and triathletes. Whilst working in South Africa, she treated surf ski paddlers, canoeists, Olympic swimmers and sprinters.
Kirsten’s passion lies in biomechanics as well as the emotional connection to pain and movement, helping people to understand their bodies in order to move and function optimally. As an enthusiastic endurance runner with multiple Ironman races and marathons under her belt. She can be found running, cycling and kayaking in her spare time.
As a passionate and experienced holistic professional, Kirsten also loves handling a wide range of cases including chronic headaches, and neck and jaw issues, with her favourite being ankle and foot disorders.

Dr. Yang Yang
Dr. Yang Yang is a seasoned physician with a wealth of experience spanning 24 years in the medical field, including a notable 9-year tenure in Dubai. She earned her Medical Bachelor’s Degree in 2000 and subsequently pursued advanced training for one year at the Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, specializing in soft tissue and nerve injuries, indigestion, functional disorders, and chronic disease control.
Continuing her academic pursuits, Dr. Yang obtained her Medical Master’s Degree in 2010, focusing her research on “Acupuncture treats premature ovarian failure.” Concurrently, she broadened her expertise to include gynaecology, enhancing her capacity to address a diverse range of medical concerns.
Proficient in both Western and traditional Chinese medicine, Dr. Yang has amassed rich experience in implementing disease combined therapy and lifestyle management strategies to optimize patient care outcomes.
Furthermore, recognizing the integral relationship between mental and physical health, Dr. Yang undertook studies in psychology, aligning with her commitment to promoting holistic wellbeing among her patients.
In the process of collaborating on IVF treatments, the cases she participated in achieved success rates higher than the average, thus earning her a good reputation and renown in the field.

Rachael Delaunay
Rachael Delaunay graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from the University of Otago, New Zealand in 2000. She has been working in Dubai since 2008. Prior to this she has been practicing in hospitals and private clinics in New Zealand, Australia, England and the USA. Through these experiences she has developed her interest and skills in manual therapy, rehabilitation and exercise prescription. Her time spent in ski towns in Australia and USA gave her tremendous knowledge and experience of acute sports injuries and rehabilitation especially the knee, both pre- and post-operative.
A keen cyclist and runner herself Rachael has a passion for biomechanics and treating running and cycling related pathologies.
To complement her manual clinical skills Rachael has trained to use dry needling and has studied and practiced the Pilates Method.
In 2015 Rachael completed her 200 hour Yoga teacher’s training certificate in Nosara, Costa Rica. She extended her study of Breath Work under Yoga Body. This has allowed Rachael to offer classes for improved mobility, relaxation and performance.
Outside of work Rachael is very active and enjoys many outdoor pursuits including mountain biking, sailing, running, yoga, triathlons, surfing and skiing, which give her a profound interest in sport therapy.
Her goal is to optimize physical and mental well-being for all her patients with compassionate ongoing care.